How to Buy KUB Coins to Transfer to Bitkub NEXT?

สร้างโดย Bitkub Academy Bitkub Academy, แก้ไขเมื่อ วันศุกร์, 8 ธันวาคม, 2023 เมื่อ 6:22 PM โดย Bitkub Academy Bitkub Academy

How to Buy KUB Coins to Transfer to Bitkub NEXT?

The process of purchasing and transferring KUB Coin to Bitkub NEXT can be accomplished easily with the following steps:

Steps to Purchase KUB Coin on Bitkub Exchange

  1. Purchase KUB Coin: Buy KUB Coin on Bitkub Exchange. Currently, various coins supported by the BitkubNEXT wallet include Bitkub Coin (KUB), KUSDT (Wrapped Token), and KBTC (Wrapped Token), suitable for transferring from the trading platform to Bitkub NEXT.

Steps to Transfer KUB Coin to Bitkub NEXT

  1. Access Bitkub NEXT: Go to Bitkub NEXT or use the Bitkub NEXT application and log in.

  2. Select KUB Coin: Within the Bitkub NEXT wallet, select Bitkub Coin (KUB) to initiate the transfer.

  3. Copy Wallet Address: Click the 'Receive' button and copy the Wallet Address for transferring KUB Coin.

  4. Transfer KUB Coin to Bitkub NEXT: Return to the Bitkub Exchange application, select to withdraw KUB Coin, choose the BKC network, and enter the Wallet Address copied from Bitkub NEXT in the [Recipient Address] field, and enter the amount of KUB Coin you wish to transfer. If using OTP and Authentication, additional codes will need to be entered.

  5. Confirm the Transfer: For the first transfer, confirm through the email used to register with Bitkub.

  6. Check Coins in Bitkub NEXT: Verify the KUB Coins transferred to the Bitkub NEXT wallet.

*Note: Transaction times may vary depending on the volume of transactions on the network at that time.

With these steps, you can easily and securely purchase and transfer KUB Coin to Bitkub NEXT.







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