How to check your points and the conditions for points?

สร้างโดย Bitkub Academy Bitkub Academy, แก้ไขเมื่อ วันศุกร์, 8 ธันวาคม, 2023 เมื่อ 6:22 PM โดย Bitkub Academy Bitkub Academy

How to Check Your Accumulated Points and the Conditions for Accumulating Points

Checking Accumulated Points (Check Your Point)

Users of the Bitkub Academy website can check their accumulated points (Points) in two ways:

  1. Check via the Website: Go to The accumulated Points will be displayed at the top of the website.

  2. Check via the Rewards Page: Go to to see the current total of accumulated Points.

Conditions for Accumulating Points

  • Users can accumulate points (Points) by participating in activities:

    • Pop Quiz Activity: Users receive 10 points for each correct answer in the Pop Quiz (note that the number of points awarded may change in the future).

    • Main Quiz Activity: Users receive points based on set criteria for the Main Quiz.

  • Users can accumulate points (Points) only during their membership period. Those who are not within their membership period cannot accumulate points (Points) or redeem rewards.

  • Users can accumulate points (Points) without any limitation on the number of points that can be earned. Therefore, the total number of accumulated points depends on the frequency and accuracy of participation in the Pop Quiz and Main Quiz activities during the membership period.







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