How to Read Bitkub Academy's Article?

สร้างโดย Bitkub Academy Bitkub Academy, แก้ไขเมื่อ วันพุธ, 10 มกราคม, 2024 เมื่อ 3:45 PM โดย Bitkub Academy Bitkub Academy

How to Read Bitkub Academy's Article?

The Bitkub Academy website is a repository of over 1,000 intriguing articles, all of which users can access and read for free.

Steps to Access and Read Articles on Bitkub Academy Website:

  1. Accessing the Website: Visit

  2. Choosing Categories: Click on "Learn" and select either "Latest Articles," which displays the most recent articles on the Bitkub Academy website, or "All Articles," which shows every article available on the website. Both categories are accessible and lead to the articles page.

  3. Article Page Navigation: On the article page, you'll see images, titles of the articles, and the categories related to their content. Users can choose to read any article. However, if they want to filter the content, they can adjust the following parameters:

    • Category: Represents the type of content related to the article.

    • Difficulty Level: Indicates the complexity of the content in each article.

    • Reading Time: Shows the estimated time required to read the article.

  4. Search Using Filters: Click on "Use Filters." The article page will then display results based on the selected filters.

With these steps, users can easily and efficiently access and explore high-quality articles that align with their interests on the Bitkub Academy website.







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