Whether Main Quiz Quota Increases with Renewal after Membership Expiry

สร้างโดย Bitkub Academy Bitkub Academy, แก้ไขเมื่อ วันศุกร์, 8 ธันวาคม, 2023 เมื่อ 6:20 PM โดย Bitkub Academy Bitkub Academy

Renewing Membership and Main Quiz Quota

Whether Main Quiz Quota Increases with Renewal after Membership Expiry

Membership Privileges

Different packages of membership (Subscription) provide distinct benefits as follows:

Package 1: Priced at 3 KKUB, offers a 1-month membership with eligibility for 1 Main Quiz attempt.

Package 2: Priced at 18 KKUB, offers a 6-month membership with eligibility for 8 Main Quiz attempts.

Package 3: Priced at 36 KKUB, offers a 12-month membership with eligibility for 18 Main Quiz attempts.

Checking Membership Duration

Members can check their membership expiration by: www.bitkubacademy.com/th/profile 

Clicking their profile image on the right side of the browser, then selecting “User Information”. A page named “My Subscription” will appear, showing the current package image, membership expiration date, and remaining Main Quiz attempts. Check membership duration at: www.bitkubacademy.com/th/profile

Membership Renewal Guidelines

During the membership period, members must complete all Main Quiz attempts allocated in their package before expiration. Main Quiz rights cannot be carried over to a new subscription upon membership expiry. Therefore, members wishing to retain their Main Quiz privileges should renew their membership continuously before expiration, as illustrated in the following examples:

Example 1: Continuous Membership Renewal Before Expiry

Boonkub, with a 6-month membership (Package 2), attempts 6 Main Quizzes before expiry, leaving 2 attempts unused. Upon nearing expiration, Boonkub renews with a 12-month membership (Package 3). The remaining 2 quiz attempts from the previous membership are added to the new package, totaling 20 Main Quiz attempts.

In this case, Boonkub retains the previous Main Quiz privileges by renewing before membership expiry.

Example 2: Non-Continuous Membership Renewal Before Expiry

Boonkub, with a 6-month membership (Package 2), attempts 6 Main Quizzes before expiry, leaving 2 attempts unused. Near expiration, Boonkub chooses not to renew, allowing the membership to expire. This results in the loss of unused Main Quiz privileges. Upon re-subscribing, Boonkub does not receive the benefits from the previous subscription.

In this case, Boonkub loses the previous Main Quiz privileges due to not renewing before membership expiry.







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