Renewing Membership with a Different Duration and Main Quiz Quota

สร้างโดย Bitkub Academy Bitkub Academy, แก้ไขเมื่อ วันศุกร์, 8 ธันวาคม, 2023 เมื่อ 6:20 PM โดย Bitkub Academy Bitkub Academy

Renewing Membership with a Different Duration and Main Quiz Quota

Continuous Membership and Main Quiz Quota

If a member renews their Bitkub Academy membership while still within their current membership period, the system prioritizes the ongoing membership. This also applies to Main Quiz participation, where rewards are calculated based on the membership order.

For example:

  • Case 1: Continuous Renewal and Unused Previous Main Quiz Rights

Bullkub, with a 6-month (Package 2) membership, completes 6 Main Quizzes, leaving 2 attempts remaining. If Bullkub renews with a 12-month (Package 3) membership while still within Package 2's duration and with 2 quiz attempts left, the rewards for participating in Main Quiz will be based on Package 2. For example, in a Main Quiz event like KHBAR, Bullkub will receive KHBAR x2 as per Package 2's privileges, not x3, since the Package 2 membership and its Main Quiz quota are still active.

  • Case 2: Continuous Renewal after Utilizing All Main Quiz Rights

If Bullkub completes all 8 Main Quiz attempts under Package 2 and then renews with Package 3 (12-month), the rewards for participating in Main Quiz will be based on Package 3. This is because Bullkub has already utilized all the Main Quiz attempts of Package 2. For instance, in the Main Quiz event KHBAR, Bullkub will receive KHBAR x3 as per Package 3's privileges.

Therefore, continuous membership renewal is possible even if the old package hasn't expired. However, reward calculation based on the privileges of each package will follow the order of Main Quiz quotas.

Checking Membership Duration

Members can check their membership expiration by clicking their profile image on the right side of the browser and selecting “User Information”. The page “My Subscription” will appear, showing the current package image, expiration date, and the number of remaining Main Quiz attempts. Check membership duration at:







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